Why Rainbow from a Girls Point of View

GWA Adrianna was asked to submit a letter with the following theme “I Rainbow because….” as part of her application for an Acting Supreme appointment. With her permission, I am sharing her letter below. After reading this, think about why YOU Rainbow and share your story.


“It all began with a story:

The sound crept through the old house; out through the old cottage, leaking out of the wooded home filling the woods with the enchanted sound. The trees soaking up the sound like it’s water, the aged trees are grown to the music like they were snakes dancing enthralled in the song. In the early hours of a morning, a little blue-eyed blond hair girl was traveling by, she fell in love with the sound. As a curious young girl, she needed to know what the spellbinding song is. As she wandered around, she found a brick road unturned by the roots of the ancient trees hoping it would lead her to the never-ending sound. As she entered the arch of trees, it was like she walked into a different world. Inside the woods was the smell of fresh dew in the morning mixed with rain; she traveled along further down the road to only get attacked by the roots of the long-forgotten tree. Tall and powerful, the branches swayed with the song. As she approached cautiously to the tree, she could see an entrance into a new world. Bright colors of flowers, surrounding a small cottage, perfect for fairies and mythical creatures alike to visit. The song was coming from inside the cottage, a perfect melody. The young girl looked back down at the path she took, wondering if she should continue on. With one curious step…

With one curious step, that is where I stand in the world. I am always curious and seeking for adventure at every turn. My name is Adrianna Cubbage, named after my mother’s favorite song. I tend to find myself lost in many different worlds, whether it be with a pen and paper or written words in a book; I am always dreaming.

Dreams, they are always growing and forever changing. They can carry someone to places they never expected their life to take. That is me following my dreams, with one curious step each time. That is being a part of Rainbow, becoming Worthy Advisor, changing the community through service, and recently becoming Grand Worthy Advisor. It has all been following my dreams with the help of my inspirations through my years in Rainbow.

Rainbow is one long chain of friendship and family that goes throughout the world and just started in a small town. It has brought many smiles to all of us, who have been a part of Rainbow. We might be teaching the same things, but each of us learns something different that we take out; whether it is a lesson or scripture from a Rainbow part. There is always that one person that gets it and understands it and blooms from it. We all need to find that one thing that makes us proud of what we know and what we learned. Thence, we can teach others the understanding of something that isn’t so easy to understand. It’s up to us who can make the difference in someone’s life, but also our own life.

Another way I see Rainbow is the Chocolate Dipped Ice cream bar. To me this is the perfect treat. I can, feel the hard-outer shell against my teeth, and can take a bite. Describe to you the luxuriously rich flavors that surround your senses, the soft ice cream mixed with dark chocolate and how I enjoy it as the pleasure lingers. You may think WOW that sounds like a really great treat but until you try one out yourself, you can never know how truly good it is.

I can further tell you of my experience in this extraordinary organization. How the seven lessons have taught me; to have love in your heart, to have faith in something, to know nature is there to find yourself, that no death is ever gone, to have truth and trust in someone, to be proud of my country and to always find someone to help. With all these lessons, they have taught me to have hope that I can do something memorable. In truth I know that Rainbow showed me how to live my life to the fullest.

That is why I come back to every meeting and to every event. It’s the friendship and the joy it brings to those apart of this chain of sisterhood. It is my undying love for Rainbow which started at six months of age in a baby ceremony and then through my years growing up with my closest friends who later became role models in my rainbow career. With a curious step, I joined Rainbow. With a curious step, I became Worthy Advisor; later Grand Worthy Advisor. With a curious step, I am getting this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be a part of Supreme Assembly. All with a curious step, Rainbow led me down a path that will take me somewhere. I don’t know where it will take me, but I am glad I found this one.

With one curious step, the young blond girl stepped forward towards the unknown. Following her heart one step at a time…”